Help safe the world with Biochar

The general discussion about climate change tends to be fear-driven. We wanted to make this stand out and spread hope not panic. To do so we chose to make the video maximum fun. That meant we went for charming illustrative style with lots of characters and a humorous undertone.

It also needed to work in a fast paced environment (social media streams) - so we chose to deliver the narative in a high pace. And as we went along we added some jokes and references here and there.

The whole project was illustrated, animated and color frame by frame in photoshop.

Noah's Ark on its way to another planet.
the world having a shower holding a sign that reads "I'm fine".
a beautyfully illustrated forest
a human holding a sign that reads "fridays for future" and on the other side "safe our planet"
Elon Musk racing along in his future truck
A character with long arms catching a cloud that turns into the word Pflanzenkohle (which means biochar in german)

We love it. Let's do this again!

Caroline - Fachverband Pflanzenkohle

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